With the A11 Bionic’s Neural Engine in last year’s iPhone X, Apple introduced its first chip for hardware-accelerated AI. This year, Apple promised huge performance increases to Core ML in their iOS 12 update. They claim models run 9X faster and use 1/10th the energy on the new A12 Bionic processor. Early reports suggested that Apple has delivered, but I wanted to be sure.
2018 Year-in-Review: Machine Learning Open Source Projects & Frameworks
ArticlesIn this article, we’ll take a moment to look at some of the interesting things that transpired in 2018 in the machine learning world. We’ll look at some of the top open source projects as ranked by Mybridge, major developments in machine learning frameworks, and some of the things to look forward to in 2019.
Continue reading 2018 Year-in-Review: Machine Learning Open Source Projects & Frameworks
Image Labeling in Android with Fritz AI
ArticlesImage labeling techniques can be used to obtain insights into the contents of an image. Some of the use cases for this are moderation of content as well as automatic metadata generation.
Using Fritz AI, we can do this on Android, identifying the contents of an image or even a video frame. In this piece, we’ll see how we can label images from our phone’s gallery.