Articles Fritz has written:

Creating a 17 KB style transfer model with layer pruning and quantization


There are now a bunch of off-the-shelf tools for training artistic style transfer models and thousands of open source implementations. Most use a variation of the network architecture described by Johnson et al to perform fast, feed-forward stylization.

As a result, the majority of the style transfer models you find are the same size: 7MB. That’s not an unreasonably large asset to add to your application, but it’s also not insignificant.

Research suggests that neural networks are often way larger than they need to be—that many of the millions of weights they contain are insignificant and needlessly precise. So I wondered: What’s the smallest model I can create that still reliably performs style transfer?

Continue reading “Creating a 17 KB style transfer model with layer pruning and quantization”

2018 Year-in-Review: Machine Learning Open Source Projects & Frameworks


In this article, we’ll take a moment to look at some of the interesting things that transpired in 2018 in the machine learning world. We’ll look at some of the top open source projects as ranked by Mybridge, major developments in machine learning frameworks, and some of the things to look forward to in 2019.

Continue reading 2018 Year-in-Review: Machine Learning Open Source Projects & Frameworks

Image Labeling in Android with Fritz AI


Image labeling techniques can be used to obtain insights into the contents of an image. Some of the use cases for this are moderation of content as well as automatic metadata generation.

Using Fritz AI, we can do this on Android, identifying the contents of an image or even a video frame. In this piece, we’ll see how we can label images from our phone’s gallery.

Continue reading “Image Labeling in Android with Fritz AI”