Below is the transcript for the above video explaining the step-by-step process of downloading Fritz AI pre-trained models and opening them in Lens Studio.
“Hey everyone, my name is Emilie and I’m the content manager for Heartbeat here at Fritz AI. Today I’m going to show you just how easy it is to create a Lens Studio profile and open one of our many pre-trained SnapML models.
The first step is to head over to to create or log into your Fritz account. Our SnapML tools are currently in beta and therefore free to use.
We’ll first want to select our platform type. Because we’re making a lens for Snapchat, we’re going to choose the SnapML for Lens Studio option.
Next, we’ll choose our subscription type. As you can see, there’s plenty you can do with the sandbox version.
To start work on your new project, enter your details and scroll down to the pre-trained option.This will take you to your new homepage. Today we’re going to choose image segmentation. We’re going to scroll down to the pet option and download the Lens Studio Project Files.
Next, open your browser and go to Lens Studio. Make sure your operating system is up-to-date and can support the current version of Lens Studio. Download it, make sure you add it to your applications, and open the program.
If you’re starting from scratch you’ll choose the New Project button. It will take you to the main building page of Lens Studio. Since we’re using a pre-trained Fritz model today, we’re going to go back out to our downloads folder. You can see the downloaded folder includes all relevant datasets and models within the zip drive. You’ll scroll down to the yellow lens studio icon — the project labeled dot lsproj. Double click to open.
That brings you to the model in Lens Studio. You’ll see that the pre-programmed elements are already in place. From here you can make minor tweaks, add AR objects on top of the image segmentation model, use the model predictions and output as a trigger for immersive, interactive effects, and more.
And that’s it! You’re ready to build your own lenses and filters! Be sure to keep an eye on our YouTube channel and Heartbeat blog for more in-depth lens tutorials, explanations for common mobile machine learning problems, and more.
We’ll see you next time!”
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