Fritz AI Named a 2020 Boston “Startup to Watch” by Built In Boston

Since we founded Fritz AI in late 2017, we’ve seen tremendous growth in the Boston-area tech scene. What was once a city whose tech economy centered on academia, biotech, and robotics, Boston has flourished into one of the most attractive locations for all kinds of tech start-ups, early- and late-stage alike.

This expansive development makes us especially proud and grateful to share that we’ve been named one of Built In Boston’s 50 Startups to Watch in 2020. Built In Boston is the Boston community hub for Built In, an organization that helps tech professionals stay connected to tech news, trends, and opportunities at up-and-coming companies in 8 major U.S. metro areas.

In response to being selected as one of the 50 Boston startups to watch in 2020, our CEO and cofounder Dan Abdinoor had the following to say:

“I’ve been a part of the Boston tech startup scene for a number of years now, so I’ve seen this community of incredible tech companies grow up right before my eyes. Specifically, I’ve seen Boston evolve into more than just a biotech or enterprise city — it’s now also an AI city.

So to have Fritz AI recognized as one of the most promising tech startups in the Boston area is at once satisfying and motivating. We’re off to a great start, and I love the team, platform, and community we’re building — but this kind of recognition is also inspiring and helps us push forward. We know we have a lot of work to do, and we believe this is just the beginning for Fritz AI.”

For a full look at all the impressive companies that made this list, check out the complete write-up on the Built-in-Boston website:

And a special shoutout to our friends at Torii, who also join us on this year’s list!

We’d also like to extend our thanks to our customers, users, readers, and community members for their continued support. Without you all, none of this would be possible. We’re excited for what’s next, and we hope you’ll be there with us along the way.

Happy Building (in Boston and beyond),

Austin & the Fritz AI Team

About Built In’s 50 Startups to Watch

Once a year, Built In Boston hand-selects startups that have the vision, team, focus and funding to drive innovation within the tech community. For our 50 Startups to Watch in 2020 list, they chose local companies founded within the past three years that they believe have positioned themselves for rapid growth in the year to come.

About Built In

For thousands of tech professionals in some of the most vibrant tech markets in the U.S., Built In is the best place to learn about the industry, build connections at events and carve out futures at companies they believe in.

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Our team has been at the forefront of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning research for more than 15 years and we're using our collective intelligence to help others learn, understand and grow using these new technologies in ethical and sustainable ways.

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