Formik and Yup are great development tools for building awesome looking UI forms in React Native apps. To showcase the power and benefits of these tools, we’ll build two forms for login and signup screens, and show how easy it is to validate them using both Formik and Yup.
Make sure you download the source code in order to follow this post closely and to help form a better understanding of libraries like Formik and yup.
After installing the source code, please navigate inside the project directory and install dependencies by running the following command:
The source code file you’re downloading contains the use of navigation patterns like Stack and Switch to mimic an authentication flow in a React Native app. It also contains minimal code for three screens:
- Login
- Signup
- Home
You’re going to continue to build on them. For complete details on how I set up this authentication flow, please follow the previous post, How Authentication Flow works in React Native apps using React Navigation 4.x.
Table of Contents
- Requirements
- Installing the libraries
- Creating reusable components
- Create a login form
- Add Formik to the login form
- Handle form submission
- Validate form with yup
- Refactor error message
- Disable Button when form is not valid
- Show errors only if a specific field is touched
- Show a loading indicator on Login button while submitting
- A challenge for you 💪
- Conclusion
If you’re going to code along, make sure you’ve already installed the following:
- Node.js (>=10.x.x) with npm/yarn installed.
- expo-cli (>=3.x.x), previously known as create-react-native-app.
- Mac users could use an iOS simulator.
- Windows/Linux users must be running an Android emulator.
To learn more about how to set up and run the simulator or the emulator on your local development environment, visit React Native’s official documentation here.
Installing the libraries
Right now, the package.json file from the previous post looks like the following. It contains a basic Expo blank template and dependencies for the react-navigation library.
"dependencies": {
"expo": "^34.0.1",
"react": "16.8.3",
"react-dom": "^16.8.6",
"react-native": "",
"react-native-gesture-handler": "~1.3.0",
"react-native-reanimated": "~1.1.0",
"react-native-screens": "1.0.0-alpha.22",
"react-native-web": "^0.11.4",
"react-navigation": "4.0.0",
"react-navigation-stack": "1.5.1"
Install the libraries that are going to be used to create login and signup forms. Open up a terminal window and execute the following command.
yarn add formik yup react-native-elements
The UI library react-native-elements is a “Cross-Platform React Native UI Toolkit” that makes it easy to build various interface components in React Native apps with additional functionalities. It will speed up the development process for this demo.
Creating reusable components
Inside the components/ directory, create two new files called: FormButton.js and FormInput.js. Both of these components are going to be presentational and reusable in screen components. Open the FormButton.js file and import Button from the react-native-elements library.
It’s a touchable element that allows the user to interact with the device’s screen and perform the next action. This custom component will receive props for styling and its style. The component library react-native-elements has different ways to style a button.
import React from 'react'
import { Button } from 'react-native-elements'
const FormButton = ({ title, buttonType, buttonColor, }) => (
buttonStyle={{ borderColor: buttonColor, borderRadius: 20 }}
titleStyle={{ color: buttonColor }}
export default FormButton
Next, open the FormInput.js file. Again, it’s going to be a custom component for a text input field. Import the Input element from react-native-elements. It allows the user to enter the text in a form UI. It receives props as well, and since we’re using Expo, vector-icons can be imported without installing a third party dependency manually.
Lastly, notice how the remaining props are passed through an object using a rest operator. This is also known as rest parameter syntax. Make sure the order of the props remains the same as below. That is, the …rest comes before other props in the FormInput component, as it won’t be able to override those other properties.
import React from 'react'
import { Input } from 'react-native-elements'
import { StyleSheet, View } from 'react-native'
import { Ionicons } from '@expo/vector-icons'
const FormInput = ({
}) => (
<View style={styles.inputContainer}>
leftIcon={<Ionicons name={iconName} size={28} color={iconColor} />}
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
inputContainer: {
margin: 15
iconStyle: {
marginRight: 10
export default FormInput
Create a login form
Now that the custom components are all set up, let’s create a login screen component. Open the screens/Login.js file and import all required statements. Then, without changing the state or any handler functions from the previous base repo you downloaded and are following for this tutorial, let’s straight dive into the render method of the Login component:
import React from 'react'
import { StyleSheet, SafeAreaView, View } from 'react-native'
import { Button } from 'react-native-elements'
import FormInput from '../components/FormInput'
import FormButton from '../components/FormButton'
export default class Login extends React.Component {
state = {
email: '',
password: ''
handleEmailChange = email => {
this.setState({ email })
handlePasswordChange = password => {
this.setState({ password })
onLogin = async () => {
const { email, password } = this.state
try {
if (email.length > 0 && password.length > 0) {
} catch (error) {
goToSignup = () => this.props.navigation.navigate('Signup')
render() {
const { email, password } = this.state
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
placeholder='Enter email'
placeholder='Enter password'
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
title="Don't have an account? Sign Up"
color: '#F57C00'
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
flex: 1,
backgroundColor: '#fff'
buttonContainer: {
margin: 25
Notice that inside the SafeAreaView there are two FormInput fields and two buttons, out of which one is the custom button previously created. The properties on input fields such as secureTextEntry and autoCapitalize are unique to each input field. Thus, this is where the rest parameter syntax comes in handy. Also, notice how the type of both buttons will make a UI difference in the output below.
Add Formik to the login form
Formik is a small library that helps forms to be organized in React and React Native by implementing the following:
- it keeps track of a form’s state
- handles form submission via reusable methods and handlers (such as handleChange, handleBlur, and handleSubmit)
- handles validation and error messages out of the box
At times, it becomes hard to manage and fulfill the above points. Using Formik, you can understand what exactly is happening in forms and write fewer lines of code. Created by Jared Palmer, it has a great API to refer to.
To get started, open the Login.js file and import the library.
// ... with other import statements
import { Formik } from 'formik'
Next, inside the SafeAreaView, use Formik as the wrapper element. It comes with different props to handle forms such as initialValues and the onSubmit handler method. initialValues accepts an object containing form values.
In the case of the current form, these values are going to be email and password. The onSubmit method accepts a function that has these values as the first argument to handle the form submission.
Lastly, the third method used in Formik is the render method itself. It follows the Render Prop pattern. Take a look at the Login component below:
export default class Login extends React.Component {
goToSignup = () => this.props.navigation.navigate('Signup')
render() {
return (
<SafeAreaView style={styles.container}>
initialValues={{ email: '', password: '' }}
onSubmit={values => {}}>
{formikProps => (
placeholder='Enter email'
placeholder='Enter password'
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
title="Don't have an account? Sign Up"
color: '#F57C00'
The value prop in each of the above input fields is given the initial value from formikProps. It’s passed through each render function that provides access to the state of the form as initialValues. You have to define these values just as you would in the state of a class component. Other than that, it also gives us the ability to handle the change of each input field (when a user types in their email or password) and a method to submit the form: handleSubmit.
You can refactor the current component into the following:
{({ handleChange, values, handleSubmit }) => (
placeholder='Enter email'
placeholder='Enter password'
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
On looking back to the simulator, you’ll notice that the Login form looks the same, but now upon clicking the login button, nothing happens. Let’s make it work. The onSubmit prop handles the form submission. Right now, to see that the values of both input fields are being recorded, let’s add an alert method:
onSubmit={values => { alert(JSON.stringify(values))}}
Go back to the login screen and fill both input fields and click the login button. You will get a dialog box stating the values of both email and password.
Handle form submission
Now let’s add the logic to enter the app whenever the user clicks the login button, instead of showing the values they entered in a dialog box. First, add a method on the onSubmit prop on the Formik element.
onSubmit={values => {this.handleSubmit(values)}}
Next, define the handleSubmit method before the render function.
handleSubmit = values => {
if ( > 0 && values.password.length > 0) {
The logic is still the same as it was when you started building this login form. The user can only log in to the app if the email and password fields are not empty. The only difference is that before, the values for both fields were derived from the initial state of the component.
The custom input component doesn’t need the value prop to be passed on separately.
const FormInput = ({
}) => (
<View style={styles.inputContainer}>
leftIcon={<Ionicons name={iconName} size={28} color={iconColor} />}
Validating forms with Yup
The yup library is useful for managing complex validations when using Formik in either React or React Native apps. Formik supports both synchronous and asynchronous form validation. It has support for schema-based, form-level validation from Yup.
Import everything from the yup library with other import statements.
import * as yup from 'yup'
If you’re familiar with Node.js development, you’ll find the yup library is quite similar to another validation library called joi. Next, let’s define a new object before the Login class component called validationSchema.
Since initialValues is an object, you have to specify yup.object() and define a shape of the object. Note that, inside the shape, when defining input fields, make sure their names corresponds with those described in initialValues.
Next, each field in this object is supported by a chain of validation methods provided by the Yup API. The type of both email and password are going to be strings since the method onChangeText return values as strings.
const validationSchema = Yup.object().shape({
email: Yup.string()
.email('Enter a valid email')
.required('Please enter a registered email'),
password: Yup.string()
.min(4, 'Password must have at least 4 characters ')
Using a library like Yup saves a lot of time, especially when you don’t have to define custom validation methods to check for an input field. For example, in the above snippet, using .email() automatically matches against a regex instead defining regex to check the validity of an email input field.
Also, for every valid method, you can enter a custom return message that’s shown in case of an error. Look again at the .required() method above the email method in the above code snippet. It’s stating that when an email isn’t provided, this message passed in quotes will be shown as the error message. Similarly, for password, when the length of the input field is less than four characters, it will display an error message.
The last step to get the validationSchema to work is to add a prop with the same name in the Formik element.
initialValues={{ email: '', password: '' }}
onSubmit={values => {
// new line
{*/ Rest of the code /*}
Next, formikProps also provide errors to access error messages.
// pass errors below
{({ handleChange, values, handleSubmit, errors }) => (
After each input field, you’ll have to add a Text element to display the error message. Import it from react-native, and then after each input field, add the following:
placeholder='Enter email'
<Text style={{ color: 'red' }}>{}</Text>
placeholder='Enter password'
<Text style={{ color: 'red' }}>{errors.password}</Text>
Try clicking the login button without entering details in any input field:
Notice how both the custom error message for the email field and a default message for password is displayed. Now try to enter an invalid string in the email field and a password of fewer than four characters, and then click the login button.
Notice that the correct error message is now being displayed.
Refactor error message
In this section, let’s create a reusable presentational component to display the error messages. Open the components/ErrorMessage.js file and add the following:
import React from 'react'
import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native'
const ErrorMessage = ({ errorValue }) => (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Text style={styles.errorText}>{errorValue}</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
marginLeft: 25
errorText: {
color: 'red'
export default ErrorMessage
Next, go back to the Login.js file and import this component. Below each input field where there’s a Text element, replace it with the newly-created custom ErrorMessage.
placeholder='Enter email'
<ErrorMessage errorValue={} />
placeholder='Enter password'
<ErrorMessage errorValue={errors.password} />
The error messages are now properly aligned with the input fields.
Disable Button when form is not valid
Formik provides a quicker way to disable the submit button until there’s no error shown for any input field. This is done via the prop value of isValid, which returns true when there are no errors. The disabled property is added to the FormButton, which is where react-native-elements shine.
{({ handleChange, values, handleSubmit, errors, isValid, isSubmitting }) => (
{*/ Res of the code remains same /*}
<View style={styles.buttonContainer}>
Notice how the color of the button is changed to grey and isn’t clickable at all.
But upon entering values for input fields, it comes back to life.
Show errors only if a specific field is touched
You might’ve noticed that the current state of the form shows errors for both fields, even when the user is entering the first field and hasn’t yet seen what is required in the second field.
To fix this, let’s use touched and handleBlur from formikProps.
}) => ()
handleBlur is passed as the value to the onBlur prop on the input field. This prop is used to track whether an input field has been touched by the user or not — touched tracks what fields have been touched. Using the combination of both, you can get the following behavior:
Here’s the code snippet for how to do this. On each input field, add the onBlur prop with the corresponding value passed to the handleBlur method.
// on email
// on password
Next, when displaying the error message, modify it as follows for both fields.
// for email
<ErrorMessage errorValue={ &&} />
// for password
<ErrorMessage errorValue={touched.password && errors.password} />
Show a loading indicator on the Login button while submitting
Next, when submitting the login credentials, you don’t want the user to press the button twice. formikProps has a solution for this, too. Using isSubmitting, you can track to see when the form is in the submission phase.
Usually, in real-time applications, this submission phase will depend on the asynchronous network call to the server. On the disabled prop, you can use an OR condition to solve this issue:
disabled={!isValid || isSubmitting}
To mimic an API call, add a setTimeout function to the handleSubmit method:
handleSubmit = values => {
if ( > 0 && values.password.length > 0) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000)
Observe how the button gets disabled when it’s touched:
You can add a loading indicator to the button, thanks to the prop with the same name, available in react-native-elements.
loading = { isSubmitting }
A challenge for you 💪
Using the knowledge obtained from this tutorial, I’m challenging you (in good fun) to get it to work and build a signup form that looks like below with for four input fields:
- Name of the user
- Password
- A confirm password
The challenge here is to make sure both fields—password and confirmPassword—match, and an appropriate error message is shown if they don’t. To find the solution, look out for the next post, where solve this problem, as well as explore some more functionalities such as handling errors when the input field is not of type string.
Here’s a teaser:
Congratulations 🎉
You just learned how to create, handle, and validate forms in React Native using Formik and Yup. I hope in your production React Native apps, some little tricks used in this tutorial (such as handling buttons and using loading indicators) help. You’ll find the code for this tutorial, along with the completed challenge at this GitHub repo.
Important resources used to write this tutorial:
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